A downloadable tool for Windows

SimpleSync is a lightweight file synchronization tool I created for myself to synchronize my files to a back-up location.

The program does not install, is fully portable, and is less than 500kb in size.

SimpleSync offers a variety of options for how you want to synchronize two folders, remembering the previous settings as well as offering a user-configurable default set-up. Additionally the program can be called using the command line, so you can use a batch file to run a routine back-up (my preferred sync method) or use some other automation program.

More information on the usage, settings, and command line options included in the ReadMe file.


Being perhaps overly cautious, I will say that you use the program at your own risk and I accept no responsibility for lost files or incorrect use.


Icons by Mark James (http://www.famfamfam.com/lab/icons/silk/) used under the creative commons attribution licence.



SimpleSync.zip 189 kB